"We are here to share the beauty of Asian food"


Building A Community

North America Asian Food Industry Association (NAAFIA) create a community by annually hosting Taste of Asia, which focuses on sharing thoughts on food, technology emerging trends, marketing resources and plans, and cultural understanding of the Asian restaurant industry in North America.

Research & Analysis

With the latest data of the U.S. restaurant industry, North America Asian Food Industry Association (NAAFIA) conducts research that analyzes the current trend of the food and identifies opportunities in the future.


Restaurants across the country may face challenges in branding and marketing. NAAFIA serves as the voice of the Asian restaurant and food industry, drawing its experiences and professions on supporting the community and providing possible promotions with unique insights.


Northern America Asia Food Association (NAAFA) is an international, membership-based, and non-profit organization founded by Chihuo, a Chinese American company with increasing social media influence on catering and lifestyle in Northern America. With the help of NAAFA members, restaurant owners, food service and industry experts, and international brands, the organization will generate ideas on food business trends, potentials and models. It also treasures interpersonal networking by annually hosting Taste of Asia (TOA) conference with top leaders and brands. Through peer learning, communication and evaluation, our goal is to seek innovative tastes in the food industry, support Asian food brands, and collaborate with local food specialists.